It’s disheartening when you don’t get a good amount of organic traffic, as you expected to hit after your business online. This also pulls down the numbers of your expected sales and new customers.  But you’re still not getting traffic to your website despite all your efforts? These SEO tips and tricks will help you rank well in Google, Bing, and other search engines and get your site noticed.

You’ve probably got a great product that you’re ready to sell online, or maybe you’ve started with some new service in the market or want to expand your business, but none of that matters if no one visits your website.

If you want people to find your website, you need to optimize it for search engines. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process webmasters use to rank higher in search engines like Bing and Google. If you’ve got a shared, VPS, or dedicated server, you should optimize your site for SEO to ensure it appears on the first results page when someone searches for a term. These SEO tips should help search engines find you and people driving more traffic to your website. 

1. Build a Strategically Designed Website

If your site is new or has a lot of multimedia, consider creating a sitemap. This is a file that tells search engines what pages, videos, and audio files are on the site, and in fact, makes your site appear on the Google news. Google and Bing both have a useful sitemap generator. 

Quick pointers to attract traffic and search engines:

  • Your UI/UX should encourage potential customers to explore and share your content easily
  • Spotlight at least a few optimized product images on your homepage. 
  • Create internal and external links to your latest posts. 

Finally, a good-looking, professional website attracts traffic, retains them on your website for longer, and ultimately converts them into your customer. Not only this, but it generates good external links, social media buzz, and revenue. Our CTS team has years of experience in building an attractive, functional website.

2. Build a quality content:

Another most impacting factor is your content quality. Search engines rank sites with fresh, changing content higher than those with stale, unchanging content. Focus on writing high-quality and original content.

You need to update your website regularly, whether with new articles or some engaging stuff or products. Make sure you give your visitors a reason to return to your site or share it on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media networks. Search engines display fresh content with related keywords right on the top. 

A quality content should be rich with keywords and healthy external and internal links. Search engines scan the links to your site on other trusted sites, including social media networks or other highly trafficked websites. Based on this scan, it boosts your SERP ranking.

Search engines want to point people toward the most accurate results. So, if you’re an expert in your niche, your website should reflect that. If you’re a chef who specializes in Indian cooking, your website should be about Indian cooking. Lastly, bring your strengths to the table, and it’ll help your web presence.

3. Keyword-centric approach:

Picking your site’s keywords is simple when you have a focused topic. Keywords are the main words that drive people to your site. You can use keywords to describe your website’s elements—articles, images, videos, podcasts—in SEO-friendly terms. Make sure your site’s URL, header tags, meta descriptions and alt attributes include keywords. 

You should optimize keywords to match what people search for. We would rather suggest you use long-tail keywords, in addition to the standard keywords.

Let’s say we’re looking for a keyword for roasted almond chocolates. A relevant keyword would be “best roasted almond chocolates”. You can use a search specific keyword to make your site stand out from the rest. There are many free & paid Keyword research tools, like Google’s Keyword Planner, SEO review tools (Keyword research tool). But don’t get too crazy with it; you don’t want to use keywords that few people search for.

4. Make your headings and titles catchy.

A keyword-rich title catches the attention of search engines, while the heading catches people’s attention.

e.g.: An SEO-friendly and keyword rich title:  

Canada’s CRC draw 2021

A catchy heading so that visitors click through it and increase your website’s traffic:

Here’s everything you need to know about the 2021 Canada’s CRC draw.

Just to be safe, make sure your page title and headline describe your content, or else you’ll lose SERp rank, quality link generation, and trust of your potential customer. 

5. Meta Descriptions

A meta description is a short blurb that appears under your page’s title in search results. Meta descriptions show up in search engine results under the page title, and explain what a page is about in more detail. You can write longer descriptions on this page (about 150 characters). Don’t miss out on adding keywords in these 150 words. Just don’t go overboard with keywords in the meta description. 

A keyword-centric meta-description that’s both engaging and informative should be your goal. If you write a meta description that really pulls your reader in, they’ll click on your blog post and you’ll get more organic traffic

6. Website’s Loading Time:

Google found that more than half of mobile users leave a site if it takes more than three seconds to load. Reduce your bounce rate, by optimizing your website to load within 3 seconds. 

Here are some handy tools, like Google’s PageSpeed Insights, Google’s Test My Site, or Pingdom, to analyze the loading speed of your website. These tools also tell you how to make your website load faster.

Quick tip: Try replacing bulky (greater in size) images, videos or scripts with smaller size ones to fasten your website’s speed. 

7. Optimize Your URLs

Keywords in your site’s URL are as important as they are on a page. Search engines do trace these keywords while displaying the search results. That gives us enough hint to optimize our URLS by applying the above SEO tips. Start using static URLs for your website instead of dynamic ones, which depend on numbered pages. Take this hypothetical blog post, for example: 

The number at the end of the URL represents that specific post, but it’s not very useful. To fix that, you need to enable static URLs, so you can add important keywords to your site’s address. With static URLs, the post’s URL will look like 

Search engines prefer this URL structure more, and this reflects your ranking, which in turn attracts more traffic. Make the URL short and easy to read. Use hyphens instead of spaces to separate words.

These 7 SEO tips are a good start, but they’re just the tip of the search engine optimization iceberg. It takes time to rank well in Bing, Google, and other search engines. However, overnight results are a little difficult. Bookmark this page, and check back for more useful SEO tips.

How do we at CTS help you make an SEO-friendly website to drive more traffic?

With over years of experience, we play it smart to incorporate the most result-oriented tips to launch your websites with a good SERP rank. Over time, we strategically optimize your websites to drive more traffic and get you the best ROI. Connect with our experts today to build your website, and boost your traffic.