The Google Ads Quality Score is a rating that indicates the relevance and quality of the keywords you are using. This score is a valuable tool, as it can help you improve your keywords, ads, and landing pages. As a result, you will be able to save more time and money, convert website visitors into loyal buyers, and understand overall performance in relation to the competition.
So, how do you go about improving your quality score on Google Ads? Here are a bunch of ways that can help:
How to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score
1) Understand the Factors in Play:
There are many things that determine your quality score, such as:
- How relevant your keywords are for your ad group
- CTR (Click-Through Rate)
- The landing page quality
- User experience
- Historical performance
It is important to know not just what these factors mean, but the contribution of each factor in your final quality score. To see a significant improvement in your score, you need to focus on each of these targets, instead of just working on one or two.
2) Increase the Ad Relevance:
The ‘ad relevance’ can be defined as the extent to which your ads are relevant to your targeted keywords. If you have an ad relevance rating of ‘Below Average’ or ‘Average’, you can try doing the following:
- Make your ad language resemble the search terms most frequently used by your target group
- Identify ad groups with multiple keywords that cannot all be targeted through the same advertisement. Split these groups up so that you are better able to match the search terms of each sub-group
- Group your keywords into themes to make them more relevant. You can base these themes on services, products, and other categories. For instance, if you sell watches, you could create a keyword group for ‘casual watches’ and another for ‘fitness bands’.
3) Improve the CTR:
The anticipated click-through rate is the number of people that you expect to click on your ads. You can improve this number by:
- Editing the ad text so that your offers are more attractive to your target audience
- Ensuring that the ad details match the keyword intent
- Highlighting unique benefits of buying your offering (such as bulk discounts or free shipping)
- Experimenting with CTAs (Calls to Action) that are closely linked to the landing page
- Create impactful CTAs consisting of verbs like ‘Buy’, ‘Order’, ‘Sign-up’, ‘Register’, ‘Browse’ and ‘Learn More’
- Make your ad text more specific (sometimes, specific ad text can lower the CTR but improve the conversion rate – make sure to strike the right balance between the two)
4) Improve the Landing Page:
Your landing page is almost always the first thing that a website visitor sees, which is why it plays a key role in your Google Ads quality score. Slow, confusing, and hard-to-use pages can significantly bring down the quality score. Make sure that your landing pages are swift to load (should not take more than 3 seconds), intuitive, and mobile-friendly.
Other than that, your landing page should be sprinkled (but not littered) with relevant keywords. The presence of pertinent keywords is likely to get more visitors interested, which can increase both your user engagement and quality score. The better a user’s landing page experience is, the likelier they are to take the plunge from visitor to customer.
Final Word:
Now that you know the key factors that determine your quality score, as well as the ways that you can work on these factors, you will be able to derive greater benefit out of your Google Ads campaign and overall digital marketing strategy. It all boils down to giving users the best possible experience and making their lives as easy as possible. Keep in mind that, like your credit score, your quality score will not go up overnight; therefore, it is important that you stay optimistic, persistent, and not throw in the towel the moment you hit a roadblock.
To learn more about improving your Google Ads quality score, please feel free to visit our website.