In a world where a person spends an average of 2 hours daily on social media, influencer marketing is a massive thing. Influencer marketing is a way to recognize influential people on the internet and collaborate with them to target their followers to market your product or services. 

For example, let’s say you have a business that sells handmade jewelry. You can find a reputed social media influencer in the fashion niche to whom their followers look up. It may be for recommendations of what to wear, where to buy, and which piece of jewelry goes best on what necklace. If a certain influencer decides to market your brand on their account, you can use their followers’ trust for your brand’s benefit. 

Here is an example of how well-known actress Priyanka Chopra helped the haircare brand grow. 

Influencer Marketing Priyanka

How Can I Approach Influencer Marketing?

Instagram is the top platform for over 92% of all social media influencers, making it the top priority of marketers. However, targeting Facebook, YouTube and other platforms is not out of fashion too. Sponsoring a Youtube video where the creator explains your services is still doable and has provenly increased conversion rates.

Choosing a perfect social media to market your product might need some thinking. Some research will help you find where your potential buyers may be active. If you reach out to them through marketing social influencer in a productive and trusted way, successful marketing is assured.

Another reason why influencer marketing is perfect is that reputed influencers are known to advertise only trusted products or services. So, if you collaborate with an influencer who accepts only trustworthy brands, it gives out the word of your reputation. 

The Perfect Influencer For You

This is a task where you narrow down a list of influencers that might be providing value to your marketing strategies. Say, a food blogger should not be considered for touring company’s marketing. Likewise, a traveler would not be a suitable candidate to advertise a learning app. 

The right influencer for advertising would be the one who works in the same niche as you. He/she should attract the same audience you wish to target. And last but not the least, the right influencer should create engaging content that keeps the audience glued to the promotional video until the end.

How Small Businesses Can Benefit From Influencer Marketing

If you have a small business and think you cannot afford eminent celebrities, don’t worry. There is a way. You can adapt influencer marketing and still receive a higher return of investment (ROI). 

How? Through micro influencer. 

What are they? Let’s see.

Micro influencers have followers between 1000 and 50,000. They are a great way to benefit your brand. Since they have a relatively small followers’ group, they are personally more bonded with their followers, amplifying the trust they share. Resultantly, they incorporate 60% higher engagement. 

Getting micro-influencers for your help has a greater chance of targeting the right audience and higher conversion rates. 

How to make your influencer marketing strategy?

An influencer program takes deliberate targeting and planning, like any marketing tactic. Strategic success won’t come just by sending free things to everyone who asks, or to your existing friends and acquaintances.

Quick outlining steps for creating your effective influencer marketing strategy:

  1. Find the influencer and decide upon the pay.
  2. Fix your budget
  3. Resonate your content with your goals
  4. Put up your planning, executing and following up strategies. 

When it comes to effective influencer marketing strategies, CTS experts can help you plan and execute them for parallel business growth. CTS helps you manage influencer marketing campaigns from start to finish, from reporting on campaigns and partnerships to managing incoming messages. We help you identify influencers in your budget and niche, manage the outreach of the campaign, and track the impact of the efforts. To know more about the influencer marketing strategies, get in touch with CTS today!