As a business owner, you know that you need to focus on content marketing and creating quality SEO-optimized content to drive traffic to your website. But what does “quality content” actually mean? Is it enough to stuff your blog post full of keywords and hope for the best?

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. In order for your content to be both loved by Google and actually read by humans, you need to strike a delicate balance.

Here are a few tips on writing SEO Optimized content or blog posts that people will want to read.

Keep It Short and Sweet

No one wants to read a 2,000-word essay on the history of your company (unless they’re really, really bored). People generally have short attention spans and are more likely to click away from a long, drawn-out article. Therefore, shorter is almost always better when it comes to SEO-friendly blog posts. Shoot for around 500 words or less.

Use Keywords Sparingly

You might think cramming your content with keywords is the best way to ensure it will rank high in search engine results pages. However, overuse of keywords can actually have the opposite effect and will instead cause your content to be penalized by Google.

In order to create content that both humans and search engines love, you should use keywords sparingly and only when they are relevant and useful to your readers. By following these simple tips, you can create content that will not only rank well but will also engage and inform your audience.

Write for Your Target Audience

When creating any type of content—SEO-friendly or not—it’s important that you write for your target audience. What are their pain points? What information are they looking for? You’ll be well on your way to creating content that both Google and humans will love by answering these questions.

Get Visual

In addition to being easy on the eyes, visuals can also help make complex topics more digestible. Whenever possible, include images, infographics, videos, or other forms of media in your blog posts. Not only will this help keep readers engaged, but it will also give you another opportunity to include relevant keywords (ALT tags, anyone?).

Don’t Neglect Your Title

Your title is what appears in search results and, ultimately, what compels someone to click through to your article. A good title should be punchy, eye-catching, and—you guessed it—include relevant keywords.

But resist the urge to stuff too many keywords into your title; otherwise, it won’t be very readable. The goal is to create a title that accurately reflects your article’s content while piquing people’s interest enough that they want to learn more.

Write for Your Audience First

When creating content, you should know who your audience is. What are their interests? What are their needs? What kind of language do they use? Write your content with your audience in mind, and you’ll be on the right track.

Structure Your Post

No one wants to read a wall of text. So break up your content with paragraphs, subheadings, and bullet points. This will not only make it easier to read, but it will also help Google understand what your article is about so it can be properly indexed and ranked.

Promote Your Content

Once you’ve created great content, make sure you promote it! Share it on social media, email it to your subscribers, and reach out to influencers in your industry who may be interested in sharing it with their audience as well.


Following these simple tips will help ensure that your blog posts are both SEO-friendly and enjoyable for human readers. Just remember: when it comes down to it, writing quality content isn’t about tricks or gimmicks—it’s about understanding what information your target audience is looking for and then delivering it in an engaging way.